Our mission
To promote human and planetary flourishing through holistic education for compassionate local and global citizenship.
Our vision
We envision local and global communities that use humanity’s gifts of intelligence, caring and creativity to achieve a harmonious collective flourishing we call sustainable thriving, particularly as manifest in ecological responsibility, applied compassion, and shared prosperity.
Our functions
Our hybrid organizational model integrates three core functions:
A school for lifelong learning
In addition to our formal events and programs, we make every aspect of our work (including the creation, operation, and evolution of the institute itself) available as meaningful experiential learning experiences for people of all ages and backgrounds.
An incubator, living laboratory, and showcase
Earthville Institute serves as a contemplative think tank incubating projects for a more compassionate world, and its evolving campus is a real-world proving ground and showcase for regionally appropriate solutions and best practices for ecological sustainability.
A community of purpose
Earthville catalyzes human connections among kindred spirits aspiring to live with compassion and contribute to a more harmonious world, and provides myriad forms of support for those relationships to flourish in collaborative service to the greater good.
Our status
Earthville Institute is an educational nonprofit organization registered in Colorado, USA, and recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Our work
Earthville Institute works in three interrelated spheres vital to a flourishing society, with a contemplative, holistic approach to each.
Sustainable thriving
Five pillars of flourishing in harmony with nature:
Shelter: natural building & sustainable design
Food: healthy, organic, local, resource-efficient
Footprint: consuming less, regenerating more
Livelihood: doing well by doing good
Well-being: holistic health (body, mind, etc.)
Compassionate living
Empowering sensitive and effective changemakers by cultivating compassion in ourselves and in the world:
Compassionate presence: mindfulness, warm-heartedness, balanced sensitivity, openness
Compassionate engagement: informed, inspired, and effective work for the benefit of all
Creativity & the arts
Tapping the immense power of human creativity to spread knowledge, wisdom, joy, inspiration and beauty:
Space & form: architecture and design
Words: writing, publishing, etc.
Music: instruction, performance, recording, etc.
Images: photography, video, etc.
Action: Using the creative process for the greater good
Our Values
Four foundational principles
Our community culture is rooted in four universal ethical principles that guide our policies and practices:
Compassionate Action
A holistic understanding of these values includes not only caring for all living beings but also ecological responsibility expressed in our commitment to sustainability and harmony with nature. And naturally it also includes making our best efforts to support diversity and inclusion, as you will see as you explore our work.
These principles also lead naturally to the policies and practices illuminated below.
Policies & Practices
Respectful Environment
We are committed to cultivating a supportive atmosphere of respectful speech and action, inclusivity, and loving-kindness. We welcome all sincere people and we do not tolerate discrimination or abuse against anyone. We stand firmly in support of all systemically disadvantaged persons.
Come as you are!
Vegan Campus
For reasons of compassion, ecology and health, our campus is 100% vegan. “Vegan” means “not using animal products or anything that causes suffering for animals.” We serve 100% plant-based vegetarian food, free from all animal products (eggs, dairy, honey, etc.) and use plant-based soaps and cleansers.
Experience the joys of compassionate living!
Natural & Organic
We do everything as naturally as we can. We are preparing to grow food organically, and we buy from organic farmers as much as possible. We build with natural materials and only use 100% natural soaps and shampoos. Our grey water is also recycled back into the organic gardens!
Get a taste of the natural life!
Zero-Waste Goal
We’re determined to reduce our waste until no non-reusable waste is produced. Our biggest challenge is eliminating plastic waste, which is so damaging to our earth, oceans, wildlife, and our own bodies. Please avoid bringing “disposable” plastic items (e.g. bottled water, packaged snacks, etc.) with you.
Protect our earth!
Intoxicant-Free Living
Earthville is a place for cultivating a clear mind and healthy body, and for letting go of habits that might have harmful impacts. To maintain a healthy and supportive atmosphere for our residents, participants, and guests, we ask all who come here to refrain from smoking, alcohol, and other intoxicants.
Enjoy the natural highs of a healthy lifestyle!
Community Spirit
At Earthville, everyone pitches in to help with everything. We all cook and clean and keep the place beautiful. We help with maintenance and carrying the heavy stuff. And we approach this mindful service work as a meditation, a joyful offering to make community life great for everyone.
Find joy in selfless service!

Designed with care for the earth and its inhabitants, using natural materials and responsible methods, Earthville’s campus promotes sustainable solutions both through training and by example.