Personal & Vocational Development


Empower yourself. Transform your world.

Earthville Institute’s programs are designed to catalyze evolution inside and out — because who we are is at least as important as what we do.



Your action, what you do, depends on who you are.”

— Thich Nhat Hanh

Truth be told, most of the essential qualities and skills of a consummate professional are actually personal — they’re found in the character and habits of the individual. To develop excellence vocationally we must also cultivate it personally. The two go hand-in-hand.

This is all the more important for those who seek to make a life out of making a difference. To take on the great challenges of our time requires us to reach deep into ourselves for insight, growth, healing, and refinement. As the saying goes, “Be the change…”


Key areas of personal growth:

  • Self-reflection: knowing ourselves more deeply

  • Healthy and sustainable lifestyle design

  • Identifying our personal mission and priorities

  • Well-being: physical and emotional health & healing

  • Contemplative practice (yoga, meditation, etc.)

  • Communication (deep listening, constructive speech, etc.)

  • Time, energy, and attention management

Key areas of vocational development:

  • Working from the heart

  • Cultivating a vision for our work

  • Manifesting: from vision to reality

  • Project management

  • Leadership qualities and skills

  • Giving and receiving constructive feedback

  • Specific skills and qualities in a given field


Empowering the whole person: Our spacious and supportive approach

Our integrated programs pursue the intertwined objectives of personal growth and vocational development as one through hands-on education and training in a community context with ample opportunities for deep reflection and discussion. Just as in yoga asana practice the best stretch is a slow, gentle, gradual one, we take the same approach to stretching into our better selves. There’s no judgment or pressure here, just a warm, accepting, supportive community where all of us share the aspiration to grow and to serve the greater good as well as we can.

› More about Earthville’s approach to learning



Our integrated personal and vocational development programs include both universal programs (designed to be useful to most anyone) and specialized programs (designed primarily for people working or learning within a specific field or vocation).


Universal programs

Building a Better World

Our flagship program for integrated personal and vocational development is Building a Better World, an ongoing modular program developed in partnership with Dharmalaya Institute for Compassionate Living (our sister school in the Himalayas) specifically for caring people like you who want to make a positive impact in the world. This precious opportunity is designed to empower participants as insightful, sensitive, and effective agents of change, and to help develop skills for making inspirations into realities. For details, see this page.


Summers of Sustainability

Every summer, Earthville Institute offers a three-month immersive residential service-learning program providing an engaging in-depth exploration of sustainable and compassionate living, integrating hands-on experience with contemplative practice. See our upcoming events for details.

Specialized programs

Natural building workshops in Colorado

Every summer, Earthville Institute offers workshops on various aspects of natural building, including adobe construction, straw-bale, and more. See our upcoming events.


Partner programs in sustainability in the Himalayas

Our sister school in the Himalayas, Dharmalaya Institute for Compassionate Living, offers year-round workshops and internships related to sustainability, including natural building, eco-architecture, and sustainable project development.

Internship in Sustainable Project Develpment

Internship in Vernacular Eco-Architecture

Natural Design and Contemplative Architecture

Dharmalaya Institute’s upcoming events