Education for Compassionate Living
Empower yourself with skills & wisdom to make a difference
How can we live in harmony — with the earth and its inhabitants, and with ourselves? How can we decrease our harm footprint and increase our help footprint? How can each of us contribute to the greater good while leading a balanced life?
These are some of the greatest questions of our time — and it is these questions that Earthville Institute’s programs are designed to help us explore.
Com•pas•sion | kəmˈpaSHən | : A state of being in which one’s heart is open to feel empathy and caring for all beings.
Compassionate living: A mode of living in which one’s heart is open to feel empathy and caring for all beings, one’s mind is open to understand the experience of others and the interconnectedness we all share, and one’s choices and actions come from that place of informed caring.
Living with compassion means caring enough to be sensitive to the impacts (both positive and negative) that our choices and actions have upon ourselves, our planet and all the beings we share it with, and striving to do the least harm and the best good possible.
Earthville Institute's programs for compassionate living explore several interconnected areas of life.
Sustainable shelter solutions: nature-sensitive architectural design, building with natural materials, renewable energy, etc.
Through meditation and mindfulness, cultivate a clearer, calmer mind that helps you focus productively.
High-yield organic agriculture, natural landscape architecture and permaculture design, plant-based nutrition and healthy cooking
Holistic Personal & Vocational Development
Hands-on education and training in personal growth and professional skill development, including creativity, communication and leadership skills, etc.
We explore many topics that weave these areas together, such as permaculture, compassionate lifestyle design, voluntary simplicity, conscious consumption and waste management, DIY products, reuse and upcycling, and more.
Live more sustainably
Discover new solutions for sustainable thriving, so you can flourish while also helping nature and humanity flourish.
Deepen your understanding
Examine issues through new lenses to see their causes and possible solutions with holistic perspective.
Empower yourself
Develop your capacities for creativity, communication, collaboration and manifestation to clarify an inspiring vision and translate it into reality.
Compassion is in our nature, so why study it? Well, for starters, because so many other forces in modern society have trained us to believe that “success” and “development” come from contorting ourselves to become the opposite of compassionate: competitive rather than cooperative; tough rather than sensitive; forceful rather than gentle; gluttonous rather than moderate; taking rather than giving; consumerist rather than sustainable; distracted and racing rather than slow and present; and thinking shallowly rather than feeling deeply — right? So we all have a lot to unlearn, relearn, and learn from scratch.
“Education needs not only to develop our intelligence, but also to support the basic human values of warm-heartedness and compassion.”
— The 14th Dalai Lama
The global climate crisis and the many injustices and inequities in our society demand that we look urgently at our own lives, to understand the impacts of our choices and actions. The good news is that there’s so much we can do to make a difference, and it’s so rewarding to be part of the solution!
Our flagship service-learning program for compassionate and creative changemaking
Building a Better World is a collaboration between Earthville Institute (USA) and Dharmalaya Institute (India), structured as an ongoing series of workshops, courses, and retreats designed to empower the creators of a more sustainable and harmonious world.
This contemplative and embodied program seeks to engage the whole of us in the exploration of the most vital topics of our times:
Responsible local and global citizenship
Insightful and effective changemaking
Cultivating holistic well-being for self and others
Integrated personal and vocational development
Wise and compassionate leadership
The power of creativity to transform people and the world
For details and registration, see this page.
Mark Moore’s editorial reposted from Tergar International’s blog and newsletter, published to accompany Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche’s video on “compassion for the planet” that was released at the same time.