Earthville Stories

Didi Contractor Honored with Lifetime Achievement Award
Didi Contractor, co-founding Professor Emeritus of the Internship in Vernacular Eco-Architecture at Dharmalaya Institute, was honoured with WADe Asia’s Lifetime Achievement Award for her work in natural building in the Himalayas.

New Film on Didi Contractor Debuts at DIFF
After years in the making, a new feature-length documentary film entitled “Didi Contractor: Marrying the Earth to the Building” premiered at the 2016 Dharamshala International Film Festival (DIFF).

Making an Organic Square-Foot Veggie Garden
A crash course in high-input, high-output organic square-foot gardening, from Sourabh Phadke

The True Source of Healing: A Free 12-Part Online Course
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche offers a free self-paced course that includes videos, MP3 audio recordings, and supplementary materials! Videos are available as part of a self-paced course. They can also be viewed separately, as stand alone teachings. View syllabus and links here.

The Causes of Anxiety and Suffering
What are the causes of anxiety and suffering?
In this 10-minute video, internationally renowned meditation teacher Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche talks about the panic attacks that he experienced as a child and how he used compassion and meditation to free himself from anxiety.

What is Vernacular Eco-Architecture?
Around the globe, we are witnessing a renaissance of vernacular eco-architecture. A rising tide of people of all ages and backgrounds are awakening to both the urgent socio-ecological crises of our time and the potential for us to find solutions in our own rural traditions.

Tales of Human-Scale Education
In this article, visionary educator Arnie Langberg shares three stories from his days as Principal in two alternative schools in Denver, Colorado. These tales illustrate the critical roles that human connections play in creating effective learning communities.

Making Space & The Art of Subtraction
One of the first things we learn in math class is the art of addition. Fast-forward and we’ve all graduated with a Masters degree in Addition. We buy, we collect, we consume, we swap, we take, we build, and we produce. Let's take it a notch up: How much can you subtract?

Organic Food: What & Why?
Organic food is completely natural, without any harmful chemicals. Growing food organically is much better than chemical-based agriculture for many reasons, including health, taste, cost, ecology, and more.

How to Thatch
A quick how-to on thatching as practiced in parts of India, from Sourabh Phadke